Student App
- Includes automatically graded interactive exercises for each unit, so children receive immediate feedback.
- Consolidates the students’ practice of vocabulary, grammar, and phonics content from the Student Book.
- Offers students a chance to complete language activities as they travel through 3D worlds.
- Encourages students to try activities again and again through a fun reward system.

Teacher App
The Teacher’s App helps to deliver content in a simple-to-use lesson pathway designed for easy presentation and truly engaging lessons.
- Allows you to project a page-faithful representation of the Student Book.
- Allows you to carry out activities involving the entire class and present audio and grammar animations to the classroom.
- Provides you with the Resource Bank, Test Generator and Student Progress Tracker.
- Gives you access to extra materials such as additional worksheets and other printable materials.
Gamify your teaching with NAVIO
Little Book of Gamification
Gamification allows both teaching and learning to take on a gaming approach, which has the potential to change passive ‘students’ into active ‘players’ in the classroom environment.